Jan 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Placement into College Courses

Direct Enrollment

ESCC is currently using a process called Direct Enrollment that places students into college courses, with appropriate pre-requisite or co-requisite academic support, if needed. Direct Enrollment is designed to help students complete their college studies in less time so that they save money and are prepared to transfer or enter the workforce more quickly. Multiple placement measures, such as high school GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and/or GED scores, will determine which English and mathematics courses a student needs to take. Students may be placed directly into the college-level English or mathematics course required in their program of study.

Students who are not fully prepared for direct placement into a college-level English or mathematics course, with or without the co-requisite course requirement, will be placed into a developmental course designed to elevate the student’s preparedness for the college-level English or mathematics course required in the student’s chosen program of study.

Students Who Completed High School Less Than Six Years Ago

Students who completed high school within less than six years ago shall be placed into college level English and math courses using the following means and measures:

  1. Student-reported high school GPA and the highest level of high school mathematics successfully completed as shown in the table below. High School seniors who have not yet graduated may be evaluated as of the completion of the first semester of their senior year to determine readiness.
  2. Official SAT, ACT, or GED scores may be used to determine readiness as shown in the table below.
  3. Any student who has earned an associate degree or higher or who has earned a C or better in college-level courses in Math/English at a VCCS college or another institution will be considered ready for college-level English/math courses provided they meet the prerequisites for the course.
  4. Any student who has successfully completed all required developmental courses at a VCCS institution will be considered ready for college-level English and math courses.
  5. Any student who placed into or attempted a college-level math course, regardless of the grade earned at another college, may be placed in the equivalent VCCS math course.
  6. The Virginia Placement Test (VPT) may be used only where external documentation of prerequisite or co-requisite developmental courses is required or where otherwise stipulated in policy for a specific group.

Students Who Completed High School More Than Six Years Ago

Students who completed high school more than six years ago are encouraged to discuss their education, work experience, and educational goals with an advisor to make an informed decision about placement. The Direct Enrollment Survey will provide English and mathematics review sheets for each student. The student will be shown examples of English and math problems. Students will not be asked to do any writing or solve any math problems. Rather, students will be asked whether the questions look familiar, whether they are able to complete certain types of reading and writing assignments, and whether they have learned to solve certain types of math problems before. Based on a student’s answers, they will receive a placement recommendation. The decision about whether to enroll in college-level courses, with or without a developmental pre-requisite course or co-requisite academic support course, is up to the student.

Current Students Who Have Taken Developmental Courses

Current students who have previously taken developmental English or Mathematics courses at ESCC will be advised into college courses based on a Direct Enrollment crosswalk available from their advisor.

Measures for College-Level Math Readiness

Student readiness for college level math courses will be determined using one of the following measures.


Math Measures


Math Course Options

Graduation from high school or an equivalent homeschool six or more years before applying to a VCCS college







Completed VCCS Enrollment Survey








Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133,

MTH 154

MTH 155

MTH 161, or 

MTH 167



HSGPA and Algebra II





















3.0 or higher









Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133,

MTH 154

MTH 155

MTH 161 or

MTH 167












Student may enroll in:

MTH 101-133

MTH 154+MDE 54,

MTH 155+MDE 


MTH 161+MDE 61

Less than 2.0

MDE 10

HSGPA and NO Algebra II















3.0 or higher






Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133, 

MTH 154, 

MTH 155, 


MDE 60








Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133,

MTH 154+MDE 54, 

MTH 155+MDE55,


MDE 60

Less than 2.0

MDE 10

SAT - Math














500 or above








Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133, 

MTH 154, 

MTH 155, 

MTH 161 or 167



470-490 range






Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133,

MTH 154,

MTH 155, or

MTH 161+MDE 61

ACT - Subject Area Test Math














18 or above









Student may enroll in:

MTH 101-133, 

MTH 154,

MTH 155,

MTH 161, or 

MTH 167









Student may enroll in:

MTH 101-133, 

MTH 154,

MTH 161+MDE 61

GED - Mathematical Reasoning

















165 or above








Student may enroll in: 

MTH 101-133, 

MTE 154,

MTH 155, or

MTH 161+MDE 61



155-164 range







Student may enroll in:

MTH 101-133,

MTH 154+MDE 54, 

MTH 155+MDE 55, or

MDE 60

154 or below

MDE 10

VPT - Virginia Placement Test




























Eight or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied



Student may enroll in:

MTH 161

MTH 167

Six or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied



Student may enroll in:

MTH 161+MDE 61

Four or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied



Student may enroll in: 

MTH 154

MTH 155

Three or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied





Student may enroll in:

MTH 154+MDE 54

MTH 155+MDE55

MDE 60

Two or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied


Student may enroll in:

MTH 101-133

One or fewer MTT/MTE competencies satisfied

MDE 10


Placement directly into MTH 162, Calculus, based on HSGPA and highest-level math courses taken or ACT/SAT scores will be at the discretion of each college.

Measures for College-Level English Placement                                                   

Student readiness for college-level English courses will be determined using one of the following measures.


English Measures


English Course Options

Graduation from high school or an equivalent homeschool six or more years before applying to a VCCS college




Competed VCCS Enrollment Survey





Student may enroll in:

ENG 111

ENG 115

ENG 131

















3.0 or higher






Student may enroll in:

ENG 111

ENG 115

ENG 131







Student may enroll in:

ENG 111+EDE 11

ENG 115

ENG 131

Less than 2.0



Student must enroll in: 

EDE 10















480 or above






Student may enroll in:

ENG 111

ENG 115

ENG 131



400-470 range





Student may enroll in: 

ENG 111+EDE 11

ENG 115

ENG 131

Below 400



Student must enroll in:

EDE 10

ACT - Subject Area Tests English and Reading















18 or above






Student may enroll in:

ENG 111

ENG 115

ENG 131


15-17 range





Student may enroll in:

ENG 111+EDE 11

ENG 115

ENG 131

14 and below



Student must enroll in:

EDE 10

GED - Reasoning Through Language Arts










165 or above







Student must enroll in:

ENG 111

ENG 115

ENG 131



Below 165


Student must enroll in:

EDE 10

VPT - Virginia Placement Test















Placed in ENG 111





Student may enroll in:

ENG 111

ENG 115

ENG 131

Placed in ENF 2 or ENF 3





Student may enroll in:

ENG 111+EDE 11

ENG 115

ENG 131

Placed in ENF 1 or lower


Student must enroll in:

EDE 10


Accepting Multiple Measures for Placement Across Colleges

Student-reported high school GPA and standardized test scores recorded in the student information system at one VCCS institution shall be honored for placement by other VCCS institutions. Because placement decisions for Pre-Calculus II and Calculus are based on high school GPA and highest-level math courses are college-specific, students who attend multiple VCCS colleges may experience different placement requirements for these courses.

Exceptions to Placement

Individual exceptions for higher-level placement must be approved by the chief academic officer or designee. Students may only be moved to a lower-level class at their request and with approval of the chief academic officer.

Students Using Post-911/GI Bill Benefits

Students using Post-911/GI Bill benefits and who are recent high school graduates will be placed using self-reported high school GPA and the highest-level high school math course; confirmed SAT, ACT, or GED scores; or previous college course grades. If a recent high school graduate is placed into pre-requisite or co-requisite developmental courses, the student must provide either an official high school transcript or standardized test score to document placement for benefit payment. Students are encouraged to submit their Joint Services Transcript (JST) for evaluation. If a student cannot provide the above official documentation, the student may be directed to take the Virginia Placement Test to document placement for benefit payment.

Workforce Programs

Placement testing is normally not required for most Workforce Development programs; however, some are integrated with the Adult Education program, and may include pre- and post-class assessments for reading and/or math. For additional information, contact Workforce Development Office at 757-789-7979.