Mar 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Admission

Individuals are eligible for admission to Eastern Shore Community College if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are eighteen years of age or older and able to benefit academically from study at the community college, as demonstrated by assessment in reading, writing, and mathematics. Minimum scores are noted in the chart below. Colleges may allow students who are in their final semester of high school or home school to enroll in summers courses.  These students must provide documentation of graduation to enroll in subsequent semesters.

  VPT Placement
Reading EDE 10
Writing EDE 10
Math MDE 10

Individuals may submit applications in person, by mail, or online at ESCC advises all prospective students to consult with counselors or advisors to discuss their educational interests and the requirements for admission to specific curricula. Applicants may be admitted as curricular or non-curricular students.

By applying to the college, an applicant makes a voluntary decision to participate in a collegiate experience and abide by the policies, rules, and regulations of ESCC and the State Board for Community Colleges. In granting admission to an applicant, the college extends the privilege of joining the college community. Students may remain a part of that community if the required academic and behavior standards of the college and the VCCS are met.

The College reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse or revoke admission if the college determines that the applicant or student poses a threat, is a potential danger, is significantly disruptive to the college community, or if such refusal or revocation is in the best interest of the college. The college also reserves the right to refuse admission to applicants who have been expelled or suspended from, or determined to be a threat, a potential danger or significantly disruptive by another college. Students whose admission is revoked after enrollment may appeal to the Admissions Committee. More information is accessible at

Curricular Admission

For all curricular students, the following items are required for admission:

  1. A completed official application for admission with social security number requested.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by the college, official transcripts from all high schools, colleges, and universities attended.  Graduates who complete secondary school in a home school setting must provide a graduation date and may be required to provide documentation of coursework.  The VCCS Student Information System academic records will be sufficient for colleges within the Virginia Community College System.
  3. Additional information as stated by the college for admission to specific programs or curricula.

Students accepted for general admission who have been admitted to one of the college’s academic programs are considered curricular students. Curricular students may be either full-time or part-time students.

Admission to Specific Curricula

Some curricula may specify admission requirements in addition to the college’s general admission requirements.  Students not initially meeting admission requirements for a specific program may qualify to be placed in an appropriate curriculum or will be considered non-curricular until such time as requirements are satisfied and they are granted admission to the curricula. Students who do not meet all program admission requirements may be able to make up deficiencies by successfully completing prescribed developmental courses or other course prerequisites. ESCC advises all students to consult with counselors or advisors to discuss their educational interests and the requirements for admission to specific curricula.

Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to credit programs with restricted enrollments or competitive admissions requirements.

A person applying to enter one of the associate degree curricula (Associate in Arts and Sciences, Associate in Applied Science, etc.) must be a high school graduate or the equivalent, or otherwise be considered eligible by the college.

Admission Priorities

When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum, priority shall be given to all qualified applicants who are residents of the political subdivisions supporting the college and to Virginia residents not having access to the curriculum at their local community college, provided such students meet required prerequisites and apply for admission to the program prior to registration or by a deadline established by the college. In addition, residents of localities with which the college has clinical-site or other agreements may receive equal consideration for admission.

Application for Readmission to the College

If a student in “good academic standing,” as defined in the Academic Standing policy (Academic Policies ), has not been enrolled within the last three years (nine terms), they will be required to complete a new application for admission.

Non-Curricular Admission

Non-curricular students are those who have not requested admission to curricula or who do not meet requirements for curricular status. Non-curricular applicants may be required to submit high school or college transcripts. There are numerous reasons to apply for non-curricular status, including the following:

  • to upgrade skills for a current job;
  • to develop skills for a new job;
  • to explore a new career;
  • to take classes for personal satisfaction or general knowledge;
  • to take classes at ESCC while maintaining primary enrollment at another college or university;
  • to take classes at ESCC for transfer to another college or university without completing graduation requirements for an ESCC degree;
  • to take college-level classes as a high school student;
  • to enroll with special approval (usually for one semester) to meet general or specific admission requirements as stated in the ESCC catalog; and
  • to enroll in classes while waiting for admission to a program with restricted enrollment or competitive admissions and procedures.


For all non-curricular students, a completed official application for admission is required with social security number requested.  

Equal Opportunity

ESCC promotes and maintains equal employment and educational opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions including lactation, age (except when age is a bona fide occupational qualification), status as a veteran, national origin, or other non-merit factors.

Students with Documented Disabilities

Consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ESCC guarantees that no qualified individual shall by reason of disability be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of college.  Each qualified person shall receive appropriate, reasonable accommodations upon request to ensure full and equal access to educational opportunities, programs, and activities.

Applicants with disabilities are not required to identify themselves. However, students wishing to request special assistance or academic accommodations because of disabilities or chronic health problems should contact the college’s Office of Student Services in person, by calling 757-789-1720, or emailing at least 30 days prior to the first day of classes. Students seeking accommodations or program modifications must provide completed documentation of the disability in the form of a report or a letter from a doctor containing detailed information about the disability.

Students Transferring from Other Colleges

Transfer students must submit an application for consideration of admission. Normally, transfer students who are eligible for re-entrance at the last college of attendance are also eligible for admission to the community college.

Transfer students who are ineligible to return to a particular curriculum in a previous college generally may not be allowed to enroll in the same curriculum in the community college until one semester elapses or until an approved preparatory program at the college is completed.  The ESCC Admissions Committee shall decide on each case and can impose special conditions for the admittance of such students.

Students transferring from another college should consult the appropriate office at the community college for an assessment of credits to determine their standing before registering for classes.  Generally, no credit shall be given for courses with grades lower than “C.”  Transfer students may be advised to repeat courses if it would clearly be advantageous to their curriculum advancement.

 Any VCCS course in which a student received a grade of “C” or better (excluding general usage courses) will transfer as the same course at any other college in the VCCS.

Independent Dual Enrollment

Independent dual enrollment allows individual high school students to enroll in courses at the community college. A qualified high school junior or senior may be admitted to any college-level credit-bearing course, with permission of the high school principal or designee and the parent. Participation in independent dual enrollment does not require a contractual agreement between the college and school division. However, the high school student must meet dual enrollment admissions standards as noted below. Courses taken as independent dual enrollment shall be documented on the student’s permanent college transcript. 

Criteria for Participation in Dual Enrollment

Private, Public, and Homeschool juniors and seniors who meet each of the following criteria may register in college-level credit-bearing courses:  

  1. The student submits an Application for Admission.
  2. The student is a rising public or private high school junior or senior or homeschool student studying at the high school junior or senior level.
    1. The high school student has permission of the principal or designee, and the parent.
    2. The homeschool student has permission of the parent. 
  3. The student demonstrates readiness for each college-level credit-bearing course in which they want to enroll. High school and homeschool students are not eligible to enroll in developmental or direct placement co-requisite English and Math courses.  In demonstrating readiness, a student must meet one of the criteria established for each type of course in which they want to be registered:  
Course Type High School Transcript*   SAT   PSAT   ACT   VPT
Transfer** Courses (except Math) Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher  or  ERW score of 480 or higher  or  ERW score of 390 or higher  or  18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests  or  Placement into ENG 111
Career and Technical*** Courses (except Math) Current cumulative high school GPA of 2.0 or higher or ERW score of 480 or higher or ERW score of 390 or higher or 18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests or  Placement into ENF 1 or higher
MTH 130 Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in high school math course or  ERW score of 480 or higher Math score of 530 or higher or ERW score 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher  or 22 or higher on Math subject area test or Placement in MTH 111 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-3)
MTH 154,155 Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in a high school math course or ERW score of 480 or higher and Math score of 530 or higher or ERW score of 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher or 22 or higher on Math subject area test or Placement in MTH 154 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-5)

MTH 161,167


Individual colleges may establish criteria for direct placement into calculus or other high level math course

Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in Algebra 2 or in a higher level math course or ERW score of 480 or higher and Math score of 530 or higher or  N/A or  22 or higher on Math subject area test or Placement into MTH 161 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-9)
*Cumulative GPA may be weighted or unweighted and may be self-reported.
**A transfer course is any course that a college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for a Degree or Certificate that is designed to transfer (e.g., AA, AS, AA&S, AFA, Uniform Certificate of General Studies).  
***A career and technical course is any course that the college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for degrees and certificates that are not designed for transfer (e.g., AAS, Certificate, Career Studies Certificates).


4. In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria above, a dual enrollment student must meet all course pre/corequisites as listed in the VCCS Master Course File and established by the college at which the student is enrolled in the course. 

Dual enrollment is restricted to rising high school juniors and seniors and home school students studying at the high school junior or senior levels. Admitting high school or home school students below the junior or senior level is considered exceptional.  The college-ready status of each prospective student below the junior or senior high school level shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis.  Such students must meet the above eligibility criteria and any other criteria as may be established by the college for participation of students below the junior or senior level in dual enrollment.  Colleges shall have criteria and procedures for the case-by-case assessment of such students.  Formal approval by the college president, or designee, is required for applicants who are below the junior or senior high school level to participate in dual enrollment.   

Returning students who have not been enrolled in credit courses at the college during the past three years (nine terms) must reapply by resubmitting an application for admission prior to registration.

Reinstatement as a Result of Military Service

Students who are called to active duty or mobilized shall be entitled to reinstatement to the college without having to re-qualify for admission following the student’s release or return from service in the uniformed services if:

  • the student provides notice of intent to return to the college not later than three years after the completion of the period of service;
  • the student returns to the college after a cumulative absence of not more than five years; and,
  • the permanent change of station (PCS) orders require the military member to be absent from the college for an extended period, and the PCS orders must have been issued after the start of the semester and require execution prior to the end of that semester or term.

A student returning to the college from active duty or mobilization in accordance with the provisions delineated above will be reinstated in the same program of study in which he or she had been enrolled prior to withdrawal. Exceptions may be made in cases where the program has been discontinued by the college or the program has specialized accreditation and selective admission requirements. In the latter case, reinstatement shall be consistent with any relevant standards of the respective accrediting agency.

A student who was admitted to a program but did not begin attendance because of service in the uniformed services shall be allowed to defer his or her enrollment in the program until reinstatement to the college as described above.

A student returning from active duty or mobilization should contact a counselor or advisor to determine the impact of absence from the program and to review available options when a program is no longer available or suitable.

Non-Credit Students

Persons who wish to enroll in non-credit continuing education courses should contact the Workforce Development Services Division.

Transcript Verification

ESCC requires official transcripts from educational and workforce organizations to be transmitted through secure means. ESCC will verify the authenticity of received transcripts.